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-   The South African Local Government Association under the auspices of SALGA Centre for Leadership and Governance (SCLG), launched the Municipal Leaders Media and Stakeholder Engagement Programme (MSEP) during the Council of Speakers event convened in Durban from 16-17 August 2017.
-   The MSEP is a credit bearing skills programme aligned to the National Qualifications Framework level four (4) consisting of three (3) unit standards totalling twenty (20) credits, registered as a skills programme with LGSETA.
-   The programme is aimed at capacitating beneficiaries consisting of Speakers of Councils, Executive Mayors / Mayors, Deputy Executive Mayors / Deputy Mayors, City / Municipal Managers in all municipalities.
-   MSEP takes its lead from the SALGA’s leadership model which prioritises stakeholders for impactful leadership at local level.
-   At the end of the three-day programme, Municipal Leaders will be able to:
-   Identify appropriate media to suit their target audience
-   Develop and manage mechanisms for interacting with the media
-   Prepare and conduct media interviews • Handle difficult media interviews across all platforms
-   Apply the principles of social media to engage and promote local government agenda
-   Identify digital tools to enhance content marketing
-   Use social media tracking tools to evaluate social media effectiveness
-   Understand, apply theories and principles of community relations
-   Demonstrate an understanding of community, its dynamics and implications thereof
-   Demonstrate knowledge, understanding and usage of communication components, tools and techniques
-   Compile and implement stakeholder relationship management plans
-   Evaluate the effectiveness of key stakeholders involved in a project
-   Apply leadership skills to relationship management
-   Apply communication principles, strategies & processes in a leadership role
-   Utilise advocacy & lobbying skills to represent municipal interests in intergovernmental structures and processes
MSEP Login
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Seminar Speakers should register here